Young at Heart

We are having a Christmas party for our group on Friday, December 15 in Fellowship A at the church. Fellowship and coffee at 11:30 a.m. with lunch served at 12 Noon.  Cost is $5.00 per person that day.

We will be singing Christmas carols and having a Christmas cookie exchange after lunch.  If you want to be part of the cookie exchange, please bring 3 dozen cookies (either bought or homemade.) We will have tables to place your cookies on when you arrive.  We will also have cookie containers for you to place your new assortment of 3 dozen cookies in.  We will use tongs and latex gloves during the choosing.  No Pressure: Please don’t feel you have to do the cookie exchange, but it would be nice to send an assortment home with those who want to.

Please call the office at (815) 399-6767 to sign up for December 15.  Someone is answering the phone from Monday – Thursday from 9 am – 2 pm.