If you are on this page, then you have seen the announcement of our new Sunday morning schedule beginning Sunday, October 6 AND you’re curious about the reasoning behind it.
What’s the change?
Our two Sunday events will flip flop and change times slightly to the following:
Disciple Hour – 9 am
Worship Service – 10:30 am
For those of us who attend both events, this switch really doesn’t change much, other than a slightly earlier start time. The main reason for this switch is for the people who aren’t yet a part of Central. The leadership has been discussing ways that we can reach the next generation for Jesus (it’s a part of our Thrive Initiative). We feel that by moving the Worship Service to a later time, younger families with kids may be more likely to attend. (This is actually what we observed when we had two services – visitors almost always attended our later service). In addition, we want to be able to follow up better with visitors who attend service. The way things are set up now, most of us who are teaching a Disciple Hour class have to have a rushed conversation with new visitors as we head off to go teach. By moving the Worship Service to the second hour, we’ll be able to do a much better job of getting to know our newer attendees and helping them to get plugged in to Central.
We’ll be talking a lot more about this in September, but for now put a reminder in your calendar for the new service times beginning Sunday, October 6.