I’m New Here

I will never forget the first time that I went home with Heidi to meet her family. We still tell jokes about the goofy things that I said and did. I remember the nervousness of meeting her dad and trying my best to show him what a stand-up guy I was. Heidi’s family was very gracious and accepting, but no matter how easy we try to make it, it’s always tough to get acquainted with a new group of people, isn’t it?

The same is true for churches. We all want Central to be known as a friendly place to be. But no matter how friendly we are, there is always a rough patch at the beginning while people get to know us, isn’t there?

To help shorten that getting-to-know-you phase, we will soon be starting a new class called the “I’m New Here” class. For four weeks during the Sunday School hour, we will be do our best to “introduce ourselves” to people who are attending our church but want to know a bit more. We’re going to talk about what kind of church we are and the things we believe. We’ll be giving them a chance to ask questions. And we’re going to end by talking about how to start following Jesus and how to partner with us as a church.

But we need your help. We’re going to send out invitations and will be contacting people that we think could benefit. Can you help us out and let people know about the class? Watch the website and the bulletin for the dates to be announced and then help us do a good job of introducing the church to visitors who may have been with us for a while.

If you would like more information or would like to sign up, click here.