Easter Events

Easter Events– How You Can Help!

People are the heartbeat of our church! Whenever there is an opportunity to serve, give to, or bless people, you really step up!

We know that every year that there are those people who only go to church a few times a year. Over the last few months the staff and leadership at Central have been pleading with God to “PLEASE SEND PEOPLE TO US!” We are praying that God will use us to reach them.

We have a few Easter-related events that we want to make sure you are aware of.


Easter is a GREAT time to invite people to church! We hope that you can join us for our Easter Breakfast. It will be held right after our 8:15 gathering on Sunday, April 16.

Immediately following our Worship Gathering, we’ll have a delicious breakfast at about 9:30am.

Bring your whole family and invite a friend too! Maybe you’ll meet new friends while doing a very important task of inviting people WHO ARE THINKING OF GOING TO CHURCH SOMEWHERE!

People will come to know, love, and serve Jesus because of YOUR invitation!

Use Easter Invitation Cards

We’ve made invitation cards that will be available at Welcome Centers, and there are still some there! Take a stack; give one to the person you invite and leave one with your GENEROUS tip when you go out to eat this week.

Good Friday Gathering

Come Friday, April 14 from 6:00-6:45 pm for a worship gathering focusing on the sacrifice of Jesus. It has become a special event in our Easter weekend schedule. Pray about inviting a friend who normally doesn’t come to church with you, so that you will be available to answer questions they may have. Nursery and full children’s ministry is available.
Easter Services

Easter weekend will feature our two Worship Celebrations:  Sunday 8:15 & 10:45 am.